A CoVid-19 Letter from our CEO

Hi Fit Pros,
Wow what a week this has been. We are in unprecedented times right now as all of our lives have been completely disrupted here in the United States along with the rest of the world. We are going through a "pandemic"...which I just learned is defined as an epidemic occurring worldwide crossing international boundaries..Pretty scary, huh? I don't know about you, but it's very unsettling to be thrown into the unknown. Fear & anxiety are very real feelings that have taken over many people around us as we all try to navigate this pandemic.
I decided to write this blog today to try to relay to you how I am choosing to stay positive and to help the anxiety subside. Perhaps this will help you as well:
Faith - I have faith that me and my family and friends will be ok and that we will get through this safely. I also have faith that in time this pandemic will pass and we will get to the other side which is to go back to our normal lives. Even though I don't have control over all factors, I have control of my thoughts and I am choosing to think positively that all will be well and this too shall pass.
Patience - I am choosing to have patience in our government and in our leaders. I have patience that our wonderful healthcare workers and first responders will take care of those who do get ill and that there will be enough beds and care for those who really need it. I also am choosing to be patient with the airlines and with customer service people at stores who are serving us as best they can in this crazy time. I am so grateful for all those in grocery stores and pharmacies who are working hard to make sure we are safe.
Love - Knowing I have a loving family and circle of friends makes me feel grateful for how loved I am and this gives me the peace of mind to move through this time of uncertainty. I have a very kind heart toward the people taking care of my elderly mother right now and toward as many people that I meet each day. This feeds my positivity and keeps my spirits up. I also feel that a time like this will BRING US TOGETHER emotionally as we experience these hard times together. Our country needs this right now more than ever.
Some other things I am choosing to do:
- Limit reading and watching the news to only once per day.
- Avoid social media posts discussing the virus.
- Get my CoVid19 news only from the CDC.
- Watch this Live video every day at noon on how to stay grounded from Mel Robbins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45QClHloYkQ
- Say out loud each day what I am grateful for.
- Meditate and exercise daily.
Each of you as fitness pros have to make your own decisions as to how to get through this time. You also will be deciding whether you should be teaching classes or not. Here is a wonderful article about the importance of exercise during stressful and anxious times: https://adaa.org/living-with-anxiety/managing-anxiety/exercise-stress-and-anxiety
As always I love to hear from you so please feel free to reach out with thoughts, tips, etc... anytime.
Stay awesome, healthy and POSITIVE
Published by Denise Imbesi
Denise Imbesi
CEO & Founder