Virtual Fitness is upon us. So what about music? Our CEO weighs in

Hi Fit Pro,
Seems the entire fitness industry has just changed overnight. Gyms and studios are closing across the country so fast that fit pros are suddenly thrown into the world of no longer teaching LIVE classes and are being forced into virtual teaching. So I've had countless emails and phone calls all asking the same question: "What about the music?"
The rule of thumb when it comes to music licensing is that any song owned by someone other than yourself requires prior approval...also known as "clearance"...from the rights holder. So before you decide which music to use in your next virtual class, you will want to weigh your options.
I know this is a tough time for everyone right now but I remain optimistic. (Read my previous blog on tips on how I am thinking positive here.
The kick a** women (and men) in this fitness community are the most upbeat, positive people I know...and I have faith in each and every one of you to be creative and make the most of your virtual classes. Hey--- maybe a new and improved fitness class will be born out of this for you!
We are all in this together - keep your spirits up ---this too shall pass --- I just know this---YOU GOT THIS!!
Reach out anytime---we are here for you:
Stay awesome,
By Denise Imbesi
Muscle Mix